
5 reasons why wearables will win you over

5 reasons why wearables will win you over

Yes, the wearable market is doing well, even very well. In 2018, it increased by 27.5%. 2019 looks even better according to analysts. However, there are a few die-hard people who still resist the trend of smartwatches, fitness trackers and other smart headphones, so here are 5 reasons to change their minds about wearables.

1. You will stay in shape

This will certainly not surprise you, but wearables can be a valuable aid in helping you to be healthy. In addition to the possibility of using the device for many activities (running, swimming, walking, weight training...) and thus monitoring your physical activity, wearables can now alert you in case of heart problems or hypertension. Apple had opened the door with its Apple Watch Series 4 last September and its ability to record an electrocardiogram, other brands then rushed into the breach to offer similar features.

Add to that the rise of smart digital assistants (Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa, Siri.....) and in-ear biometrics, and manufacturers have the perfect formula to offer users in the coming years devices that complement the ecosystem of connected wristbands and smartphones to improve our health.

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Wearables have become an almost indispensable accessory for many joggers. / AndroidPIT

2. You don't need to be afraid

Not only do wearables want to help you stay in shape, they also want to protect you. Several devices are used to alert in case of aggression. This is the case, for example, of the connected jewelry of the French company Oz, which can send a S.O.S message to an established contact list in case of danger or discomfort. More recently, a student in Scotland developed a wearable to protect women who are victims of sexual harassment when they go out at night. Its device is designed to alert your friends, bar or nightclub employees and people around you.

Wearables are also multiplying in the world of cycling, particularly to offer greater safety. For example, Ford has designed a connected and intelligent jacket that makes it easier for cyclists to find their way, but also to indicate their presence and changes of direction.

3. You can pay for your purchases

Gone are the days of cash or credit card, welcome to wearable payment. While contactless mobile payment is booming, payment via smartwatch is starting to arrive in our countries. Traders and customers both seem delighted with this evolution because this method facilitates purchases. You no longer need to think about taking cash or your credit card with you, everything is done directly with a gesture of your wrist. Better still, you even save time at the checkout.

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Paying with your watch is not a dream / SeventyFour / Shutterstock

4. You can go about in style

Contrary to what many people may think, wearables have made significant progress in design in recent years. No more thick and huge watches, hideous connected clothes or boring sneakers, this is the time for aesthetic and original products.

Although we sometimes associate smartwatches and other wearables with sport, there are also models whose elegant design is the most important thing, as there are now models for all tastes, ages and trends. One of the signs that is not misleading is the multiplication on the wrists of many businesswomen/men of smartwatches in place of their traditional watches.

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The connected watches are now attractive. / AndroidPIT

5. You will no longer have insomnia

We spend half our lives with our smartphone and the other half sleeping. Unfortunately, sleep problems are one of the most important daily problems for thousands of people. Sleeping and recovering well at night are essential to feel better and be more productive during the day. According to several studies, such as the one published by the Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, using your smartphone or tablet is bad for falling asleep and sleeping.

Faced with this problem, several manufacturers are now offering their wearables to help solve these difficulties. Many fitness trackers thus have functionalities to control and improve the quality of sleep. Headsets such as those from Phillips, Dreem or URGONight also offer even more advanced solutions to help you sleep better and say goodbye to insomnia.

Have you ever bought a wearable? If not, what is the factor that is hindering your purchase?

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  • Dean L. Jun 24, 2019 Link to comment

    I'm starting to look at these cause the price has dropped. A couple on my list are the xiaomi mi band 3 & 4, umidigi uwatch, amazfit bip, the new Samsung fitness tracker, & the ticwatch

  • Rusty H. Jun 20, 2019 Link to comment

    What finally got me over the edge was the price drop. Bought one, thought I'd play with it a while, then ship it back if the novelty had worn off. But, what really made me keep it, was the notifications! Not having to grab my phone out of my belt clip case, when someone texts or calls is worth it to me.
    On a side note, the phone also got me to give up caffeine soda (Mt. Dew) which I have consumed DAILY for around 45 years! The heart rate monitor said my resting heart rate was in the 80-90 range. Started looking around and that's too high. So I cold turkey'd that, and now, I've even just flat given up carbonated soft drinks. Now, about 4 months after stopping soda, resting heart rate is in the low 60's to low 70's range.
    Hey, I'm of the opinion your heart can only beat so many times before ya wear it out LOL.

  • Gavin Runeblade Jun 20, 2019 Link to comment

    None of those five reasons are compelling to me. Or more accurately, for all five I have better options that cost less.

  • paul alibone Jun 19, 2019 Link to comment

    Yet you still cannot buy a waterproof 4g smart watch (unless you want shafting by ee with the Samsung watch)

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