
Study claims 5G 'overheats insect antennas'

Study claims 5G 'overheats insect antennas'

The Swiss organization Pro Natura has published new studies, which indicate that the frequencies used by 5G increase the body temperature of insects. Are we taking another step against nature?

Both insects and 5G need antennas: insects use them as an olfactory organ, and 5G use them to propagate waves, which are invisible, but not harmless. Now, new studies indicate that insects are sensitive to 5G waves: A recent study has shown that insects exposed to 5G radiation have experienced an increase in their body temperature.

Pro Natura runs an intense insect protection campaign called "Ensemble contre la disaparition des insectes! "(in English: "Together against the disappearance of insects!"). The campaign addresses the many problems we humans are causing our tiny cohabitants: intensive agriculture, pesticides, the disappearance of ecosystems, light pollution, and now, 5G radiation.

dl 5g speedometer
Higher transfer speed, but at what price? / © Deutsche Telekom

The study is based on the fact that, with current development, telecommunication systems will move from 6 GHz used by 2G, 3G, 4G and Wi-Fi networks to frequencies up to 120 GHz used by 5G networks. According to the scientists in charge, the frequency range around 6 GHz does not pose any risk to the health of insects, but from 10 GHz an increase in temperature is observed in the body of exposed individuals. This means that the use of the 5G could cause a reaction in insects, altering their behavior and physiology.

Therefore, Pro Natura requires federal chambers "not to give in to the pressure exerted by telecommunications companies, and not to lower the permitted radiation limits".

What do you think? If something is bad for the animal world, it could also be bad for us. Do you think 5G is a hasty decision? Share your opinion in the comments below.

Via: Le Matin Source: Pro Natura

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  • mezzororo Dec 2, 2020 Link to comment

    I think radiation is everywhere now and has influence on people and environment. I decided to buy radiation detector on because have curious about radiation level in my local living place.

  • mezzororo Dec 2, 2020 Link to comment

    I heard that 5g is use radiation