
Android 2.1 Coming Soon for Sprint's Hero and Moment

Android 2.1 Coming Soon for Sprint's Hero and Moment

An anonymous tip sent to AndroidCentral included a small photograph of an Sprint internal memo telling its employees "Let your customers know we are actively working on having the Android 2.1 platform available to our Hero and Moment customers over the coming weeks."

AndroidCentral's photo from Sprint's internal memo

According to the hard to read document, Sprint is working on releasing the Android 2.1 update for the HTC Hero and Samsung Moment soon, within a few weeks hopefully. I can assume this is spurred by the Nexus One being added. To quote from AndroidCentral's decipher of the image:

"Let your customers know we are actively working on having the Android 2.1 platform available to our Hero and Moment customers over the coming weeks.

Look for more information coming in April about Android 2.1 platform for Hero and Moment."

Possibly an OTA update? Maybe. Let's hope that Sprint learned from Verizon's mistake and won't have problem's dishing out the update to it's subscribers.

Other Sources: BoyGeniusReport

Image from AndroidCentral

Source: AndroidCentral

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  • Sorin Feb 26, 2020 Link to comment

    I look forward to this moment.