
Android 2.1 Update for Germany and UK Delayed

Android 2.1 Update for Germany and UK Delayed

Milestone users in France and Italy are currently enjoying Android 2.1, but it seems that Germany and the UK must wait a little longer. According to Softpedia, issues were discovered during testing of the networks and until they are fixed, the process will be held up.

Milestone users with T-Mobile in the UK and Vodafone in Germany are the ones who are affected by this.

However, a statement by Motorola Europe on their Facebook page says that:

We are now in final testing for the UK and assuming no further issues arise, this will be released next week. For Vodafone in Germany, we are looking to release later this week. As soon as dates are confirmed, we will let you know.

Not much longer now hopefully. Now you just have to worry about how your screen will recreate color.

Other Sources: TalkAndroid, Facebook

Image from TalkAndroid

Source: Softpedia

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