
Android 2.2 Coming Soon?

Android 2.2 Coming Soon?

AndroidandMe released a story yesterday about their website receiving visits from devices running Android 2.2. Phandroid and AndroidCentral picked up the story and some are of the mind that we might be seeing Android 2.2 (or at least an announcement) within the next month at the Google IO conference. What's more, is 2.2 the Froyo we have heard about?

The idea of another Android OS release coming out so soon after 2.1, with so many older phones running 1.5 or 1.6, doesn't jive with Google's rumored plan on reducing OS fragmentation. Phandroid said it might be an OTA update for the Nexus One. They also note that dropping a new release now or sometime in early summer would prevent all the new smartphones from coming out with the latest version of the Android OS.

With the upcoming beta for Adobe Flash just recently being announced and Google's position on reducing fragmentation, I am not expecting to see Android 2.2 at Google IO. As for possible features, AndroidandMe put together a rumored list of additions in the next version, including:

  • Flash 10.1 support
  • OpenGL ES 2.0
  • Color trackball activation
  • FM radio enabling
  • freeing up RAM

Other Sources: AndroidCentral, Phandroid

Image from Engadget

Source: AndroidandMe

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