
Android Developer Community - quo vadis AndroidPIT?

Android Developer Community - quo vadis AndroidPIT?

Today’s the day! We’re launching one of out new services, which we will be implementing successively. We’re starting with the Android Developer Community. What’s all this about, you ask?

We anticipate that the success of operating systems will be defined by their content in the future. What this means is that an operating system’s or phone’s success is contingent on the fact that there are plenty of apps to choose from.

Apps are programmed by developers. App developers are usually one-man or two-men businesses, rather than large corporations. Almost every resource is invested in developing the app, and there’s little time left to spend on marketing. And as far as marketing goes, there’s often a lack of know-how and contacts. If a sufficient selling point of apps isn’t met, developers either can’t live from the profits they’re making or they just don’t enjoy doing it anymore.

AndroidPIT is now one of the biggest Android websites in the world. Thousands of people visit our website everyday—usually for one specific reason:
In order to inform themselves about apps as well as find cool new applications!

So, why not bring developers/apps and AndroidPIT readers together? Why not give developers a chance to showcase their apps and market them without risk?
These ideas are what led to us finding a way to “invent” the AndroidPIT Developer Community.

As of now, developers can register for free and link to their apps in their profiles. AndroidPIT readers can then become fans of whichever developer they like, thus showing others how much they appreciate the apps on offer. This way, developers can have their own fan following, which they can keep up-to-date on the latest developments vie news flashes.

Not bad, right? But the best is yet to come: in the near future, developers will be able to host their apps right here on AndroidPIT. Our readers will then be able to order and download these apps from our website. Of course we’ll have different payment alternatives. Developers won’t have to pay monthly fees; we’ll still be offering the standard 70/30 revenue split.

There’s still lots more to come! But we’re not yet going to reveal what, so stay tuned!


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