
Android Developers Given Open Access to Mobile

Android Developers Given Open Access to Mobile

Original image

Image with Vignette Blur applied

Hot (warm for the impatient amongst you) on the heels of their last Android release, the Mobile team is excited to announce Mobile 1.1 for Android (cue fanfare)! Mobile 1.1 adds new Contrast and Brightness editing tools, as well as these fun photo effects:

Vignette Blur
Warm Vintage
White Glow
Soft Black & White

BTW - "Pop" refers to "pop color", not the soda variety; and "Vignette Blur" is not an alcohol-based salad dressing. The above images are some screenshots of the Vignette Blur effect in action.

BUT WAIT - THAT'S NOT ALL!!!! They're also making our Mobile editor available to third-party android applications! What does this mean? I knew you were going to ask that. It means that any developer of an Android application can actually embed their editor into their application. Why would someone want to do something like this? Whoa - I also knew you were going to ask that! It's almost like I'm writing this myself. Anyway - take for example a "sell-your-home-fast" application that allowed you to upload pictures and descriptions of your home to some web site that will advertise your home to millions of people all over the planet. Now imagine that this "sell-your-home-fast" application allowed you to not only snap and upload pictures - but also edit those pictures so that your home looks its very, very best. Well now that scenario is possible - all the "sell-your-home-fast" developer needs to do is use standard Android APIs to incorporate the Mobile editor into their application.

What do you think? Have Photoshop outdone themselves with this app, or are your feelings towards it lukewarm at best?

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  • Sorin Dec 18, 2017 Link to comment

    It is very useful for photo enthusiasts to be able to make a primary processing, thus keeping the most fresh impressions.