
Android Froyo to Reduce Platform Fragmentation

Android Froyo to Reduce Platform Fragmentation

Those of you who have multiple versions of Android on your phone probably know that there may be up to four versions of Android on your phone at the same time. Engadget has some sources which say that the next release of Android, called Froyo, takes aim at reducing the platform fragmentation that many users suffer from.


According to the article, one of the focuses of the Froyo platform (and the ones following, like Gingerbread) will be to release the updates less frequently so as to require less testing and approval by the carriers and manufacturers. Also, many of the "core apps" of Android will come from the Android Market, like how Google Maps updates are available now.

Engadget also had this to say: "This way, just because Google rolls out an awesome new browser doesn't mean you need to wait for HTC, Samsung, or whomever made your phone to roll it into a firmware update, and for your carrier to approve it -- almost all of the juicy user-facing stuff will happen through the Market."

I hope you guys are OK with longer times between updates. I know I am.

Other Sources: Phandroid, Android Central

Image from Engadget

Source: Engadget

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