
Android Market to Receive Official Twitter App?

Android Market to Receive Official Twitter App?

The folks over at AndroidandMe had something to say about the possibility of receiving an official twitter app for Android. Those of you who tweet on your Android powered phones may like your apps that you use already and may not want to change, but Twitter's official app may be a more secure and up-to-date choice.

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Information leaked to TechCrunch last year showed internal documents and strategies from Twitter.

Moreover, in a blog post from Biz Stone, Twitter's interest in location data was laid out. We have alread seen many applications (Buzz, Facebook, etc.) using location data. What is to stop Twitter from using this? AndroidandMe said this:

"Twitter also just announced their @anywhere framework (which is just a few lines of javascript) that could easily be ported to Android"

So now that Twitter has sat back and let other developers make Twitter apps, what is the likelyhood of an official Twitter app dominating the market? Well, I guess there is only one way to see. To you guys at Twitter: I'm waiting...

Other Sources: TechCrunch

Image from: ZoomInfoBlogger

Source: AndroidandMe

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