
Android Runs on Atom Powered Smartphones

Android Runs on Atom Powered Smartphones

According to article by PC World, Intel has successfully ported Android onto smartphones using their Atom processors. A netbook from Acer already runs Android on an Atom processor, but this is the first time an Atom-powered smartphone has been announced to run it. What's more, Engadget believes that we might have Android phones with Atom processors as soon as June.

This move comes as Intel announced, as Phandroid put it, "a move to support “all OSes for Atom phones” and hopefully gain some traction as the go-to processor for smartphones."

This move should not necessarily come as a surprise, especially since Intel would be making a mistake to grab more stake in the growing smartphone market. AndroidGuys wrote that ARM processors have "been enjoying a 98% mobile phone market share as of 2007."

In the PC World article Renee James, general manager of Intel's software and service group, said this: "Intel already has Android running on Atom-based smartphones and certain customers are interested in using it. "

Other Sources: Phandroid, Engadget, AndroidGuys

Image from Phandroid

Source: PC World

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  • Sorin Oct 14, 2018 Link to comment

    Atom processors have enough processing power to run a Linux distribution, and optimization can even achieve incredible performance.