
Android SDK Launched For Facebook

Android SDK Launched For Facebook

On Thursday, Facebook released their first official SDK for Android. The Android SDK, which was demoed at Google I/O, is more advanced than the iPhone SDK and includes their Graph API, which will simplify how developers read and write data headed to Facebook.

According to a Facebook employee speaking with TechCrunch, "there have been ways to integrate Facebook into Android applications before now, but that these have really been hacked together from the iPhone SDK, and weren’t officially supported by Facebook."

Facebook made a statement on their Facebook Developers site, saying:

We're open-sourcing tools and example code that make it simple for the thousands of Android developers to integrate Facebook Platform into their applications and reach a large and ever-growing mobile audience.

Phandroid speaks for many when they write that maybe "this a sign that Facebook is starting to get their Android ducks in a row? We sure hope so. "

Other Sources: Facebook, TechCrunch

Image from Phandroid

Source: Phandroid

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