
Apple Lied to Get Samsung's Galaxy Tab Banned From Europe

Apple Lied to Get Samsung's Galaxy Tab Banned From Europe

Hooooooly cannolli. This is a big one. It looks like Apple actually doctored a photo of the Galaxy Tab 10.1, stretching out its width, in order to make it look more similar to an iPad in their suit against Samsung in Europe. After being presented with this evidence (and denied evidence from Samsung) the court in Frankfurt decided to ban the Galaxy Tab 10.1 from all European markets (except Holland, because the Dutch are a special people).

In real life the iPad 2 is 9.5in x 7.31 in x .34in. The Galaxy Tab 10.1 , on the other hand, is 10.1in x6.9in x.34in (that's why it's called the Galaxy Tab 10.1, natch). But in court documents, the Galaxy Tab 10.1 was cropped and stretched to be be eight percent wider than it really is. That's right: in a court case about what how customers compare the two products, Apple submitted a fake picture of the competitor's product.

Not sure what this'll do to the pending suit, but you'd think it'd severely damage Apple's claims. The company is keeping mum for now but you'd better bet we'll be hearing more about this in the coming days. 


Related Lawsuit News: 

Source: Tech Crunch

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  • Marvin Cleaver Aug 16, 2011 Link to comment

    This must have been some sort of mistake. You have to be seriously stupid to think that enlarging the width of your competitor's product won't bite you in the ass later on. And, of course, it did.

  • Jenny Preston Aug 16, 2011 Link to comment

    I agree with Android Addict. I can't believe one German court has the ability to decide something for an entire continent! And without even giving the "guilty" party adequate time to respond! This is democracy in Europe? Ha!

  • Peter Long Aug 16, 2011 Link to comment

    Apple has reached a new low. This makes them look incredibly desperate and afraid of the competition.

  • Peter Long Aug 16, 2011 Link to comment

    Uh, Marcel, that's a pretty big mistake if you ask me...

  • Marcel Jennings Aug 16, 2011 Link to comment

    Are you guys sure this wasn't a mistake?

  • Android Addict Aug 16, 2011 Link to comment

    Did the EU really grant this injunction based on these photos alone? Without allowing Samsung to respond? That's freaky deaky, if you ask me.

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