
Apple vs. Samsung Round 28–Cupertino Strikes Back.

Apple vs. Samsung Round 28–Cupertino Strikes Back.

It's been a couple of weeks since I last wrote about the Great Patent War of 2011™ and I almost thought Apple and Samsung had declared a ceasefire. Apparently I was wrong. Today brought two new developments in the patent trenches and it's a mixed bag for the Android community: Germany might see a complete ban of the Galaxy Tab 10.1 N but if Oz plays its cards right, Austrilia might just get its Galaxy Tabs back.

On The Western Front

Let's just get the bad news out of the way first. We already heard about the complete Germany-wide ban on the Galaxy Tab 10.1, 8.9 and 7.7 and Samsung's successful work around which reintroduced the largest of the tablets to Germany as the Galaxy Tab 10.1 N. But apparently Apple isn't as easily fooled by an extra letter in the name as Samsung thought and is now seeking a similar ban on 10.1 for looking just a bit too much like the iPad.

On December 22, just in time for Christmas, Apple will again be be dragging Samsung into a Dusseldorf courtroom to take our presents away.

On The Southern Front

Australia, it seems, is less impressed with Apple's patent claims then most of the courts currently involved in the world-wide patent war. Although recently issuing a temporary sales stop on the popular Galaxy Tab 10.1, a federal court has rescinded the order. The presiding judge in the matter, Lindsay Graeme Foster, stated “I think that if you wish to extend that stay you will have to do that in the High Court.” and with a Friday deadline for the filing you can be sure that Apple will continue its fight.

Of course, it's surprising to no one that Apple will continue to use legal pressure to try to drive Samsung from the market, but this latest development in Australia is a glimmer of hope. Maybe, just maybe, consumers will get the freedom to choice after all.

Quellen: Bloggenist, Ausdroid

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  • Christopher Silva Dec 1, 2011 Link to comment

    Come on Apple! Get over it!

    This is becoming a waste of time and resources. Apple is afraid, very afraid, as the should be.

    Apple, how will you slow down ASUS ?? Long term, you may have to accept that it is a free market out there...