
Battle of the Displays: Galaxy Nexus vs. Galaxy S2 vs. iPhone 4S

Battle of the Displays: Galaxy Nexus vs. Galaxy S2 vs. iPhone 4S

Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, but there are sophisticated rubrics you can use when measuring the beauty of a smartphone display. In this video review, the displays of the Galaxy Nexus, Galaxy S2 and iPhone 4S are tested against each other, and the results are quite, well, illuminating.

All of the phones utilize completely different screen technologies. The iPhone 4S has a retina display – an LCD display with IPS technology for better viewing angles and an RGB subpixel configuration. The Galaxy S2 has an RGB display, meaning each pixel has a sub-pixel to help make up the display. The Galaxy Nexus has a penile display, with subpixels that are shared, making the display not as clear as you might like.

First, the reviewer tested the displays to see which ones best portray the written word. To me, they both look the same on this count. When it comes to videos, though, the differences shine through. You can tell that the Galaxy Nexus has a richer display, pixel-wise, than the Galaxy S2 when watching YouTube. It's like having "an HD movie screen in your pocket," according to the reviewer. I agree.

Size also matters. The display on the Galaxy Nexus is just so much bigger, which allows so much more to be seen.

I think the winner here is pretty obvious...

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