
Bloomberg: Palm Inc. Up For Sale

Bloomberg: Palm Inc. Up For Sale

According to an article by Bloomberg, Palm Inc. "is seeking bids for the company as early as this week." If you have been keeping track of the patent dispute between Apple and HTC, you (along with many others) may have come to the realization that this could be a game-changer in their legal battle.

The article goes on to say that HTC, Lenovo, and Dell have looked at Palm for the possibility of making an acquisition.

The AndroidCentral community seems to be abuzz with the possibilities this purchase has for the industry. Many individuals have been commenting on the story in regards to what may come about from HTC acquiring Palm. The patent dispute looks fairly troublesome from my perspective, and purchasing Palm may be a smart move.

Androinica voiced support for an acquisition by HTC, saying,

that would force Apple to reevaluate how hard it wishes to pursue this patent war (the best defense in a patent suit is to accuse the other company of stealing your ideas, forcing everybody to cool off and back down).

Skepticism of what this means to HTC can be found. AndroidCentral had this to say,

could HTC buy Palm and use Palm's library of patents against Apple in Apple's lawsuit? Ammo for a potential don't sue me because I can sue the pants off you type move? But if Palm's patents are that valuable, wouldn't everyone be interested?

What happens next? I would imagine we hear news of Palm being bought within several weeks.

Other Sources: AndroidCentral, Androinica, Engadget, MobileCrunch

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Source: Bloomberg

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