
Dreams– New Ice Cream Sandwich Easter Eggs Found

Dreams– New Ice Cream Sandwich Easter Eggs Found

Dreams easter egg for Android

Ice Cream Sandwich isn't just the OS we deserve AND want, it's also shaping up to be a delicious source of entertainment. First came NyanDroid, the ice cream flavored droid that flys through the universe spreading easter-eggy humor to Android users far and wide. Now a new Easter egg has been discovered in the form of dreams, a previously unknown screen saver, which lets your favorite apps get in on the intergalactic fun.

Why haven't we heard of Dreams in Ice Cream Sandwich before? Because it's hidden deep in the OS. To get access to the screen saver you need a little know-how and the app Launcher Pro. If you want to see your apps go on an interstellar joyride, just follow the instructions in the video below. If your hands are nimble enough you might just manage to click on one of the app icons and launch your favorite app. I can't wait to see what other easter eggs and hidden functions Ice Cream Sandwich is packing.

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Source: Reddit

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