
EA Wants A Stronger Presence On Android

EA Wants A Stronger Presence On Android

Electronic Arts (EA) CFO Eric Brown was talking at the Deutsche Bank 2010 Technology Conference when he revealed his thoughts that "there's a lot to happen in the future in Android, and we’re trying to position our mobile business to take advantage of that trend." He went on to express his belief that Android may, in the next few years, attain more than double the market share compared to Apple devices.

According to Gamasutra, Mr. Brown said that he thought "the next big positive wave to push better growth in mobile will be the deployment of an App Store equivalent for the Android operating system," which seems to imply that the Android Market does not fufill EA's wants in an app store.

Engadget points out that EA's pursuit of their own app/game store is "the same mysterious reason that caused Gameloft (which produces a number of Android titles already) to circumvent the Market in favor of their own online store."

With recent word of Verizon's plans to push their own app store, the future of the Android Market is starting to look more in question for me, unless Google introduces or reveals their planned improvements to the Android Market soon.

AndroidGuys writes that with all the gaming developments for Android we have heard about recently, including "OpenFeint, id Software advertising and Unreal Engine 3 coming to the platform, it is going to be exciting to see how EA takes advantage."

Other Sources: AndroidGuys, Engadget, Gizmodo

Image from Engadget

Source: Gamasutra

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