
Elan Sues Apple Over Multi-Touch Patent Infringement

Elan Sues Apple Over Multi-Touch Patent Infringement

Last year Elan Microelectronics filed suit against Apple Inc. for alleged patent infringements regarding multi-finger technology. Most of us are aware of the legal battle going on between Apple and HTC. What's more, I believe this to be a sort of "proxy war" between Apple and Google's Android with HTC having to defend themselves against Apple's legal team. So, what's new?

According to GigaOM, Elan Microelectronics filed a lawsuit against Apple Inc. with the U.S. International Trade Commission. They allege Apple has infringed on their previously awarded patent regarding multi-finger technology. Here is what GigaOM wrote on the most recent development:

By going to the ITC in addition to filing a patent infringement suit, Elan seeks to block Apple from importing its products into the U.S. that use multitouch, including the iPhone, iPod touch, MacBook, Magic Mouse and the iPad, which is due for release on April 3. Since Apple products are designed in Cupertino but assembled outside of the U.S., Elan is courting the appropriate trade commission that has authority to stop such products from reaching America’s shores. Notably, any ITC findings will be binding regardless of the patent lawsuit outcome, thanks to a loophole in U.S. patent law. Ironically, Apple is using this same strategy to try and block HTC from importing phones that Cupertino alleges violate its patents.

So what happens next? More suing and countersuing I'm guesing.

Will it get more complicated and messy? Probably.

Will it get more interesting? For me, "signs point to yes."

Who stands to benefit? Someone I'm sure.

I hope you are not sick of this already, because I'm sure this won't be the last time we hear about this.

Other Sources: Phandroid, AndroidCentral

Image from AndroidCentral

Source: GigaOM

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