
Expect Sprint's Android 2.1 Updates in (At Least) May

Expect Sprint's Android 2.1 Updates in (At Least) May

XDA-Developers have pictures of a leaked internal memo saying that the Android 2.1 update for the HTC Hero and Samsung Moment “is coming in early May.” Whether or not those of you who have been waiting for months on end choose to believe this is uncertain. I wouldn't blame you if you did, as I remain skeptical, as well as many others.

As Mobile Crunch put it: “Some last minute bug probably popped up and threw a stick in the gears. Waiting for the latest and greatest can be torture, but at least you know your handset won’t mysteriously blow up post-update, right?”

In the meantime, try to enjoy this tidbit (I edited for spelling mistakes) from Danokan at the AndroidForums:

I spoke to an official unofficially about all of the unofficial rumors about the official update.

This official, said that officially, he can't say officially when the update will begin to roll out.

However, he did say that unofficially, we will all know when the official update is being rolled out. This will be the time when the official words comes from the top officials and is posted officially.

He did say that offically, any unofficial rumor should not be relied on to be an official update date. But unofficial rumors may become official, only when officially made official on their official update date.

Other Sources: AndroidCentral, AndroidandMe, Androidforums, Mobile Crunch, AndroidGuys

Image from AndroidForums

Source: XDA-Developers

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