
Samsung Galaxy S3 Officially Won't Be Launching at MWC

Samsung Galaxy S3 Officially Won't Be Launching at MWC


Let the crying commence: Samsung has just confirmed that there will be no special appearance of the Samsung Galaxy S3 at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona next month. As we expected, Sammy just doesn't want to unveil their new superphone to the masses at the convention, because they'd rather unveil their smartphone a bit later in the first half of the year, "closer to the commercial availability of the product."

Does this mean the carriers are to blame or does Samsung want to tinker a bit to bring us something that will be truly wow-worthy? Or do they think they're too big for the Mobile World Congress? We're not so sure, but we're certainly looking forward to the "Samsung-hosted event" in the first half of 2012. Here's Sammy's full statement: 

"Samsung is looking forward to introducing and demonstrating exciting new mobile products at Mobile World Congress 2012. The successor to the Galaxy S2 smartphone will be unveiled at a separate Samsung-hosted event in the first half of the year, closer to commercial availability of the product."

Very diplomatic. The expectations for this device are insane. No doubt Samsung wants to hit this one out of the park....and devote more attention to its launch. 

Source: Tech Radar

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  • chinu Feb 2, 2012 Link to comment


  • Steven Blum Feb 1, 2012 Link to comment

    Maybe during the Samsung Galaxy S3 event, Samsung will go all out. Think fireworks! I'm hoping for a big show...

  • Eric McBride Feb 1, 2012 Link to comment


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