
Google Hires Game Developer Advocate

Google Hires Game Developer Advocate

It looks as if Google is finally going full-bore in pursuit of game development for Android. Gamasutra reports that Mark DeLoura, an "industry veteran," is Google's new Developer Advocate for games. This hiring is, according to AndroidandMe, their first public hire of a position that focuses solely on game development and game developers.

Gizmodo writes, "At Sony, he was the manager of developer relations, so is certainly well-placed to handle the increasing interest in the various platforms Google's got its fingers stuck in."

Gamasutra's article mentions that DeLoura said Google's actions show that  "they recognise the growing importance of games as a medium." The article goes on to say how much experience he has in this field:

Prior to his time as a consultant, he was VP of technology at publisher GreenScreen Interactive, technical director at Ubisoft San Francisco and manager of developer relations at Sony Computer Entertainment America. He was also formerly editor-in-chief for Gamasutra sibling publication Game Developer magazine and worked as lead engineer at Nintendo of America.

Maybe we have found a crusader to give us more than the not so impressive line-up (in my opinion) Android brings to the table now. With the upcoming release of the Samsung Galaxy S and the powerful Android devices currently on the market, I believe we should really be seeing more progress being made toward harnessing their graphics power to create better looking games with more natural and comfortable interfaces.

Other Sources: AndroidandMe, Gizmodo, TechRadar

Image from AndroidandMe

Source: Gamasutra

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