
HTC Droid Incredible Available for $199 April 29th

HTC Droid Incredible Available for $199 April 29th

Yesterday Verizon officially announced the HTC DROID Incredible. The phone will be available starting April 29th for $199 after a $100 mail-in rebate and with a new 2-year customer agreement. Thankfully for those Verizon customers that absolutely must have the phone on release day, you can pre-order it here.

The specs of the phone haven't really changed from what we have been expecting as of recently. Engadget had this to say about the phone's internals: "Basically, this unit is a Sense-ified HTC Nexus One with an up-spec'd camera and a penchant for Verizon's airwaves -- and for a whole lotta Android users, that's exactly what the doctor ordered."

Here is the press release from Verizon's website. Now all you Verizon Adnroid fans have to do is survive for another two weeks, and you can do that, right?

Other Sources: AndroidandMe, AndroidCentral, BoyGeniusReport, Engadget

Image from AndroidandMe

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  • CJ Brown Feb 28, 2012 Link to comment

    its 2012 (yeah I know this was posted in 2010) & nobody should be using a Blackberry ... if you've been a happy HTC DROID INCREDIBLE user like me? Then you're hoping that HTC offers a 4G ANDROID SMART PHONE on par with the SAMSUNG GALAXY (well, I am hoping) to upgrade to in 2012 ...

  • popham Apr 18, 2010 Link to comment

    i will be ordering this phone tomorrow morning.. then i can finally throw away my blackberry storm..... cant wait...