
HTC Droid Incredible and EVO 4G Receive New Touch Sensors

HTC Droid Incredible and EVO 4G Receive New Touch Sensors

AndroidCentral's hands-on review of the Droid Incredible and the critique of the multi-touch support had an unexpected side-effect. A comment on their story explains the new development as the result of HTC's implementation of new multi-touch sensors in the Droid Incredible and EVO 4G.

Buckaroo Banzai made this comment:

HTC is now using the Atmel mxt224 screen vs. the old Synaptics 2000. The Atmel is a known component of the upcoming HTC EVO 4G - I just didn't think they'd implement it this soon. Looks like they have. It's not merely a software enhancement on the Incredible over the N1; they are indeed using a new screen type. Very nice.

Here are some of the specs of the Amtel mXT224 taken from AndroidandMe and Amtel's website:

  • usable on screens up to 10.2"
  • position data is reported at >250Hz
  • supports stylus, fingernails, and gloves
  • low power consumption
  • size and angle of touch recognized
  • unlimited touches
  • Signal-to-Noise ratio (SNR) of up to 80:1
  • small footprint with few external components

This is a big improvement for touch screens capabilities. Now we just have to hope more companies start following suit.

Other Sources: Atmel, AndroidandMe

Image from AndroidandMe

Source: AndroidCentral

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  • Douglas Carter Apr 21, 2010 Link to comment

    this is from the Atmel website in the story:

    Atmel's engineering teams have produced an optimal and scalable architecture which enables smart processing of a capacitive touch image to accurately regenerate and report the user's interaction with the touchscreen.

  • Max Korinek Apr 20, 2010 Link to comment

    is it resistive or capacitive?
    because if you can use a stylus or fingernail on a capacitive screen it would be very great