
HTC EVO 4G and Motorola Droid 2 Rooted

HTC EVO 4G and Motorola Droid 2 Rooted

The guys over at XDA-Developers have been very busy recently with the announcement of the rooting of the Motorola Droid 2 on August 25th, and the rooting of the Android 2.2 powered HTC EVO 4G yesterday, the 26th. The Droid 2 was just released a couple weeks ago, while the HTC EVO 4G with Android 2.2 has been out for about a week or so longer.

The method for rooting the Droid 2 is definitely a method for more experienced and confident rooters. BoyGeniusReport expresses their agreement:

Sebastian Krahmer has come up with a method that will get you the # you desire on your shiny, new D2. The process doesn’t look like one of the easiest we’ve ever seen, but should be doable by those that are worthy of a rooted device.

As for the HTC EVO 4G rooting method, Phandroid writes that the method is also not for the feignt of heart:

No, you will need to get a bit more intimate with your phone’s firmware if you want to get Froyo cracked, but if you are the type to risk bricking your phone for the simple rush of it you may want to check out the directions at the source link below. As always, we expect a much more streamlined and easy method to become available in a short matter of time.

AndroidGuys imparts some good advice for anyone yearning to root their device, saying that "if you're unsure about rooting, I would wait until an easier method is released. This one isn't for the faint of heart, so be cautious." AndroidGuys is specifically talking about the Droid 2 root method, but I believe that advice applies to both methods in this case.

Don't worry thought, as both Phandroid and myself "expect a much more streamlined and easy method to become available in a short matter of time."

Other Sources: AndroidGuys, BoyGeniusReport, Phandroid, XDA-Developers

Image from BoyGeniusReport

Source: XDA-Developers

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  • steve Sep 27, 2016 Link to comment

    4 G keep an eye.