
HTC EVO 4G on Sprint in June?

HTC EVO 4G on Sprint in June?

Engadget has it that the HTC EVO 4G wil arrive at Sprint around the first or second week of June, and hopefully (although there is some confusion) the 4G ability will come with the phone, but an extra $10-20 per month might happen for those wishing to use the device as a 4G hotspot.

As previously anounced by Sprint of an expected release in Summer 2010,  Engadget has a source that says June 6th and June 13th are the two major considerations for the release date, with June 13th more likely at the moment.

Engadget originally thought that an extra $10-20 monthly charge to use the 4G network was likely, but after receiving numerous messages from readers, now have changed the story. Apparently, it is more likely that the charge will cover using the device as a 4G hotspot.

Still no word on the pricing, but there is little doubt it'll cost a good chunch of change.

Other Sources: AndroidandMe, Androinica, AndroidCentral

Image from AndroidandMe

Source: Engadget

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