
HTC Supersonic to Release with Sprint Soon

HTC Supersonic to Release with Sprint Soon


According to AndroidandMe, the WSJ has said that the new HTC Supersonic, will be unveiled at CTIA "next week." This move comes fairly quickly after Sprint announced it would also offer Google's Nexus One. The HTC Supersonic can run on 4G networks, taking advantage of WiMax and is Sprint's first 4G phone.

supposed HTC Supersonic

The Wall Street Journal also reports that along with this new phone, Sprint expects to have the ability to reach up to 120 million people by the end of 2010 with its 4G service. The article goes on to say that while Sprint has a head start in deploying WiMax technology, its competitors are not sitting on their laurels and letting Sprint get the whole piece of the pie. Especially since Sprint "is betting the service will attract heavy users of the mobile Internet."

As for the hardware aspect of the Supersonic, Gizmodo reports that the phone is "supposedly similar to the HD2 with a 4.3-inch screen, and runs on a 1GHz Snapdragon chip."

Image from Gizmodo

Other Sources: BoyGeniusReport, AndroidandMe, Sprint, Wall Street Journal

Source: Gizmodo

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