
Intel Ports Android to Atom-Based Smart Phones

Intel Ports Android to Atom-Based Smart Phones

Intel has been busy again. They realized that they missed the boat and are playing catch-up. Still, with their financial power we have to take them seriously. As they port Android to Atom we have to wonder what their strategy is. Read on for more details.

After dominating the desktop market for years, Intel recognizes they have a long road ahead of them in terms of smart phones. Android, as a platform, was initially designed to run on handsets powered by processors made with Arm technology. Because of this, Arm has been enjoying a 98% mobile phone market share as of 2007. Intel understands as well as any company that they could do well to load Android onto their Atom-based phones. Today sees the chip giant announcing they've already done just that.

Source: android guys

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  • Sorin Oct 14, 2018 Link to comment

    Atom processors have enough processing power to run a Linux distribution, and optimization can even achieve incredible performance.
    It would be interesting to see how the devices with Atom processors will evolve, being known to be very low energy-consuming, so ideal for portable devices.