
Mobile Google Search Receives Search Suggestions

Mobile Google Search Receives Search Suggestions

Google announced on the Official Google Blog that they are bringing universal search features in Google Suggest to mobile devices. According to the page, "the functionality is currently supported on Android-powered devices, iPhones/iPods and Palm WebOS devices in the US."

According to an article from AndroidCentral on the topic, "This also works with the Quick Search Box widget in Android so you can get that fast access to information without leaving your home screens."

Try it out yourself by going to on your phone and put in a query to see the new feature under the search box. Google has been making the mobile search experience more enjoyable recently, adding in support for search suggestions based on the phone's current or last location and an optimized version of Google search for Android.

Other Source: AndroidCentral

Image from Google

Source: Google

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  • Fabien Roehlinger
    • Admin
    • Staff
    Apr 10, 2010 Link to comment

    Cool! I love this feature in my browser... Will be more than great on my new S-Phone