
Myspace Resurrection

Myspace Resurrection

For those of you that thought Myspace was dead - think again! According to AndroidStats, Myspace ranks as the most popular social networking site on Android. Who could've imagined that! At a time when everything seems to be dominated by Facebook, Myspace seems to be gaining some ground on the Android platform.

 This comes as a real surprise to me since I've stopped using Myspace as a social networking site ages ago. Apparently, Myspace has done a great job of adapting itself to Android technology and offers users a great-looking app. Here's what Scott Goldberg, a Myspace product manager, had to say:

Our deep integration with the Android platform is one of the reasons why we’ve seen a surge in usage. Unique to this app, we have three home screen widgets. One of them allows voice-enabled status updates. We also allow users to set MySpace photos as background wallpaper on their phone’s home screen. Close integration with the native Android camera contributes to the customized experience and makes it easy for MySpace users to take, upload and share pictures of their friends out having fun.

Although Facebook and Twitter has been extremely successful on iPhones and Blackberries, their Android application are simply not up to par with Myspace. I know that most people, myself included, only use Myspace as a site for streaming music and getting informed about upcoming shows. But maybe Myspace can make it big on Android devices, it can also bounce back online. The question is what will become Myspace's primary focus in the upcoming months. What do you think of Myspace? What do you use Myspace primarily for? Share your thoughts with us in the comment section!

Source: AndroidStats

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  • Sorin Apr 28, 2018 Link to comment

    I didn't understand anything about Myspace... sorry.

  • Vernon Townsend Mar 13, 2010 Link to comment

    I agree with Peter Long, with one addition. My recent experience with "My Space" system account was so "hair pulling", that I have resolve to never EVER use it again. Even trying to delete the account was the worse experiences I have ever had in my life.
    It all started when I tried to change my primary email account. The original account had been with Comcast when I lived in New Hampshire. No problem there. Just that now that email account is no longer activated. I want to set up another account for my new primary..Sounds easy? Not with myspace. They kept sending my new email verification notice to the old email account..DUH..It's not there~! So, I tried to get their attention in this matter. They basically said, take a picture of myself holding up a copy of the email..(duh..) and, then check my original email account to verify the change..At this point, I just came to the conclusion that they are a bunch of idiots..I know it doesn't do any good to call names, etc..May they convulse in the "bit bucket hell" of their own making.. So, do I want to put "Myspace " on my new Android??? lmfao..NO~!

  • Alex Evseev Mar 11, 2010 Link to comment

    myspace isn't all that bad. i think it just got a bad rep with all those dateline specials about online child predators.

    Peter: you have to admit that the myspace Android app is WAY better than the facebook one. give those guys some credit

  • Ben Foster Mar 11, 2010 Link to comment

    I agree with Peter on this one! Your forgot to mention that there was a ton of spam on Myspace too. I wonder who these Android Myspace users really are...I'll have to check out what their android app looks like, but it can't be all that great, right?

  • Peter Long Mar 11, 2010 Link to comment

    in my mind, myspace still fails to compare to facebook in many ways.

    there's just too much advertisement on myspace and the design looks crappy on the website.

    once i switched over to facebook, there was no turning back...

    Myspace is still works pretty well as a band site, but as far as social networking's concerned - it blows. Not getting this Android app anytime soon...

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