
Netflix To Launch Streaming Video Android App?

Netflix To Launch Streaming Video Android App?

It seems that Netflix is looking to produce an Android app and are in need of an expert in Android video playback to get an app running. BoyGeniusReport wrote that with this discovery, "the good news would be that an official Netflix app — that would allow subscribers to watch Instant Queue movies right on their handsets" is coming.

According to the job listing, Netflix wants to "build Instant Streaming client implementations on Android devices." As for when we can expect to see it though, NerdCast wrote that it will probably be "a ways longer for an Android app", especially considering that they are apparently still looking for the guy who's going to build it.

This news comes after the release of a Netflix app for the iPhone this June. It's good to see Netflix interested in platforms other than the iPhone, even if they are focusing on Android users later in the game. However, the future of this sector of Android usefulness (at least in terms of handsets) doesn't seem very bright to me. Watching a full length movie on an Android device may very well suck up a large portion of the battery life.

However, if this app is destined for Android-based TVs we've been hearing about lately, this just got a lot more interesting.

Any Netflix subscribers out there in the AndroidPIT community that are intrigued by this? For those who are not Netflix subscribers, does the likelihood of an app interest you enough to consider joining up? BoyGenius Report asks if the Instant Queue "titles too dated, or are they just right for your quirky personality?"

Other Sources: BoyGeniusReport, Gizmodo, NerdCast

Image from BoyGeniusReport

Source: Netflix

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