
New US Google Search Results Page for Android

New US Google Search Results Page for Android

Android devices in the USA using Google Search may have already noticed the latest update to their results page. Yesterday Google announced on their Official Google Blog that they have added the ability to refine search results in regards to how old the web page results are.

Here is Google's description on how to use this new ability:

When you go to in the US on your iPhone or Android-powered device, and enter a search, you can now tap on the button to the left of the search box on the results page to see a new search options menu. Then, selecting any item in the menu will refine your search. For example, if you are looking for recent results for "Mother's day gift", simply tap the "Past week" option. You may notice that when the menu expands, the search results slide off screen to the right. Note that you can still interact with them and see them in full just by panning to the right. Also, there are some additional menu options, like "News" and "Products".

Phandroid adds that for right now, this should the only visible change, but that other updates are on the way.

It is definitely useful, as I can already do this on my laptop, and it helps immensely when looking for news stories. So, how much longer until this update makes its way to non-US areas? Google says to expect it in other areas and on other devices "in the weeks to come" which hopefully will be sometime in May.

Other Sources: AndroidCentral, AndroidGuys, Phandroid

Images from Google

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