
Nexus One News Wrapup

Nexus One News Wrapup

Google's Nexus One got a lot of news attention lately, with the probability of Wireless N support increasing, an announcement by a Google employee of no further support planned for a 3G connectivity issue, and the upcoming release of the Nexus One on Vodafone UK in April.

A Youtube video showing a Nexus One connecting to a wireless N network is stirring up interest. A teardown of the Nexus One revealed a 802.11n capabable chip, and according to AndroidandMe, a new set of updated drivers for the N1 have finally enabled that feature. The very blurry video makes it hard to actually see what is going on with the phone, but if you chose to believe it, it's definitely good news. Engadget added that:

The word on the street is that Google and Broadcom have just pushed new drivers for the chipset into the Android repository that enable the functionality, which likely means that future versions of the platform will support it -- Froyo, for instance -- including anything the Nexus One should happen to be graced with in the future.

Gizmodo release a story saying that the spotty 3G connectivity suffered by many on their N1 were, according to Google employee Ry Guy, not going to work on another improvement "at this time":

While we are continuing to monitor user feedback regarding the 3G performance on the Nexus One, we are no longer investigating further engineering improvements at this time.

If you are still experiencing 3G issues, we recommend that you try changing your location or even the orientation of your phone, as this may help in areas with weaker coverage.

-Ry Guy

EuroDroid reports that Vodafone UK's website for the Nexus One previously said "coming soon" and it now has added "April" underneath. Today is April 23rd, so I would expect we should be seeing it for sale any day here. As for whether the date will get push back, EuroDroid also said this: "If you say "April" in the middle of "April" it's pretty much got to mean "April" for sure, right?"

Update: the website removed the words "April", so take it for what you will.

Other Sources: AndroidandMe, Androinica, Engadget, EuroDroid, Gizmodo, Phandroid

Image from Gizmodo

Source: Google

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  • Sorin Oct 14, 2018 Link to comment

    The Nexus series will contain Android in pure form.

  • Philip Stevens Apr 24, 2010 Link to comment

    It's odd that the Desire dose not have the same issues.