
On-demand gaming coming to Android

On-demand gaming coming to Android

Exent, the largest distributor of on-demand games, announced plans to release an app for Android that'll let you game to your heart's content for a flat fee. In and of itself it's an interesting idea and definitely worth checking out, but Exent is promising some interesting features beyond that. 

As we saw with the NVIDIA game store, Exent's GameTanium offers video trailers, screenshots, game descriptions and recommendations for easy game discovery past the Android market's mechanisms. There's also a gamer's community features including user profiles, customized avatars and prize points. 

What's more interesting though is the promise of cross-device gaming that will transition seamlessly between devices. You can start a game on your mobile phone, continue where you left off on your tablet and finish it on your Google enabled TV. It all sounds interesting for sure, but we'll have to see what the monthly fee is and what 100 games the store will launch with. And, since they're the biggest player in the game and have an in with a lot of game publishers, let's also hope to see some more cool games hopefully pop up.

 Picture: Exent

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  • steve Oct 2, 2016 Link to comment