
Orange to Launch 'Boston' and 'Desire'

Orange to Launch 'Boston' and 'Desire'

EuroDroid has it that the Boston, developed by Orange, is an ultra cheap Android phone rumored to be in pipe for a delivery soon. This comes after a statement by Orange that the HTC Desire will be available soon. Phandroid believes it may be as soon as "the weekend or early next week."

The Boston will very likely appeal to newcomers to the Android platform due to its rumored price of as low as €1with subscription. In an interesting sidenote, the Boston is also rumored to be built (in part) by Foxconn (manufacturers of the iPhone and some Blackberries. Rumored specs on the Boston from Phandroid are as follows:

  • 3.2" 480 x 320 screen
  • 600MHz processor
  • 256MB RAM
  • 5MP camera
  • Wi-Fi b/g
  • Android 1.6

In regards to the HTC Desire release, Phandroid posted a statement by Orange addressing the delay in getting the phone into the hands of everyone wo wants one. Orange had this to say:

Due to an unprecedented high demand for the HTC Desire on Orange, we are experiencing some delays in delivering the handset across all our channels. We are currently working to fix this as a matter of priority and expect the Desire to be available across all channels shortly. Orange would like to apologise to customers for any inconvenience this has caused.

Other Sources: Phandroid, Telecompaper, AndroidCentral

Image from EuroDroid

Source: EuroDroid

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