
[Predictions] Why Amazon Will Become the #1 Tablet Manufacturer in the World

[Predictions] Why Amazon Will Become the #1 Tablet Manufacturer in the World

Could Amazon beat all other tablet manufacturers by 2012?

According to insiders, the answer might be yes. The company's new tablet is rumored to be debuting at the low, low price of $249, and Amazon will likely recoup that loss through sales of songs, books and cloud storage. PC Magazine thinks the company will make back their loss within six months and reap a profit of anywhere from 10 to 30 percent on the tablet over the next 18 months.

How will Amazon pull it off? Well, for one, the company already has the trust (and credit card information) of over two hundred million people. Amazon also knows its customers' buying habits, and has developed sophisticated algorythms in order to recommend products to them. These facts alone could give the company a seriously long leg up.

Then there's the Amazon App Store, which has been steadily gaining traction over the past six months. Dozens of apps have debuted in the store, including big hits like Plants Vs. Zombies. With its own app store pre-installed, Amazon is poised to make serious cash on the downloads of its users.

The company still has a few hurdles to overcome. The biggest snafu we can see coming is a suit by Google. We're guessing they'll be none too pleased about a manufacturer using their own app store on their tablets instead of Android Market. Amazon will also need to expand the reach of their App Store, which is now limited to users in the United States.

Do you think Amazon has the brains and brawn to pull this off? 

Source: Android and Me

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  • Fraser Reid Aug 18, 2011 Link to comment

    hmmm - looks like an IPad - watch out Amazon - you could be Apples next target after they have finished Lying about Samsung.....

  • Stuart Halliday Aug 17, 2011 Link to comment

    Let's get this right. Amazon isn't a electronic manufacturer, so someone else is making this for them. Let's hope they've been advised correctly. Most manufacturers of Tablets have got it wrong so far.

    But one good point with the tablet being locked to Amazon, is like Apple, they can ensure that the customer gets a good user experience. Too many Chinese tablets are absolutely awful to use.

    We've known for a while now that Amazon are planning to release a colour version of the Kindle, maybe this is it? A colour eInk reader perhaps?

    Somehow I doubt it'll have access to Google Market though which will be a major negative point to UK customers. Amazon market is currently not available to the UK or Europe.

  • no way Aug 15, 2011 Link to comment

    Oooh, I can pay $249 for a tablet and be locked into 1 company's DRM? I WANT ONE!!!

  • Android Addict Aug 15, 2011 Link to comment

    This is BS. Their app store is not so great.

  • DroidLover Aug 15, 2011 Link to comment

    I want.

  • Miranda Endhoven Aug 15, 2011 Link to comment

    Sell for a low price and bundle with crap firmware? What could go wrong? Oh, just everything. This is a great way to ruin the loyalty of your nerd base.

  • Tyler Morrisson Aug 15, 2011 Link to comment


  • Aaron Android Aug 15, 2011 Link to comment

    I heard they're developing a display for the tablet that's similar to the Kindle's but more responsive to live animation.

  • Jean M. Aug 15, 2011 Link to comment

    I love my Kindle but I can't imagine trading it for a tablet. Any idea what the displays will be like? I want something without the glare.

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