
Samsung Announces Galaxy Tab At IFA Berlin

Samsung Announces Galaxy Tab At IFA Berlin

The Samsung Galaxy Tab was announced about 15 minutes ago in a very crowded room, and AndroidPIT was there to cover the anouncement. Samsung started the press conference by talking about their new televisions, home theater devices, digital cameras, and laptops, but they revealed the Galaxy Tab at the end of show.

The specs of the device are basically what we have come to expect. No announcement was made in regards to specific carriers, but the device will have a/b/g/n Wi-Fi capabilites. As for the hardware specs, the device will have a Super TFT 7" screen with 1024 x 600 resolution screen.

The device also has the ability to share a telephone number with another device, using two different SIM cards. Video calls are also possible. The tablet will ship with plain Android 2.2, HTML5 and Adobe Flash 10.1

JK Shin, head of Samsung Mobile Communications Business labels the Samsung Galaxy Tab as a "true paradigm shifter." One of the individuals on the question panel expressed his belief that individuals will begin to have two devices. They stressed that one of the main focuses of the device is portable.

Fabien from AndroidPIT got the first question in during the Q&A section. The Tab has not been given an exact price, but they said it would sell for an "attractive and competitive" price. Expect an early October release for Europe.

In terms of 4000mAh battery, they expect around 8 hours of video playback, if I remember correctly. The Gingerbread upgrade will depend on the carrier and market.

We will have an opportunity for a hands-on with the Galaxy Tab later today.

Image from OnlyGizmos


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  • Douglas Carter Sep 2, 2010 Link to comment

    You wouldn't believe how packed the press conference was. Ridiculous. We will try and get ahold of a testing version for a hands-on soon, and maybe even manage to get one of the devices in the long-term to get some in-depth impressions of the device.

  • justJay Sep 2, 2010 Link to comment

    Looks pretty nice.. might get one myself.