
Samsung Galaxy Tab Radio Bands Exposed By FCC

Samsung Galaxy Tab  Radio Bands Exposed By FCC

Engadget is reporting that an FCC filing for the Samsung Galaxy Tab has exposed some new details regarding the radio bands supported by the device, which gives us an insight into which carriers might end up carrying the device. We already have fairly strong evidence for Verizon, and with this latest revelation, AT&T seems to be a likely candidate as well.

While Engadget was searching the WiFi Alliance site to find an entry for the Galaxy Tab, they "spotted both a "GT-P1000T" and a "GT-P1000L," each with dual-band WiFi, suggesting that there are multiple versions in the works."

Engadget writes that the Galaxy Tab may have outstanding Wi-Fi reception and speeds: could have faster, more building-penetrating WiFi than most comparable devices on the market. That's because when the Galaxy Tab hit the FCC by the name "SHW-M180S," it came loaded with dual-band 2.4GHz and 5.8GHz 802.11 a/b/g/n WiFi capable of speeds up to 150Mbps.

TheUnwired notes that the Galaxy Tab will feature "quadband GSM/GPRS/EDGE as well as triband UMTS/HSDPA/HSUPA at 900/1900/2100 MHz."

In an interesting sidenote about the Galaxy Tab, I saw advertisements inside Berlin's Tegel Airport today as I was dropping off someone at the airport, but I didn't take a picture of them because they were inside the security area, and I didn't want to attract the airport police and make them think I was scouting out the airport's security. As far as I know, this is the first reported tangible advertising for the device reported (outside of the Youtube video).

Once again (as if I haven't said it enough), AndroidPIT will be at IFA Berlin to cover the Samsung Galaxy Tab unveiling.

Other Sources: Engadget, Phandroid, TheUnwired

Image from Engadget

Source: FCC

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