
Samsung's Galaxy S Graphics Power Astounds

Samsung's Galaxy S Graphics Power Astounds

Omar Khan, Chief Strategy Officer for Samsung Mobile in North America, mentioned that the Hummingbird processor with its paired GPU in the Samsung Galaxy S can process "a staggering 90 million triangles per second. Which is more than three times more powerful than other leading smartphone in the industry." This kind of graphics processing power, if you compare it against the other phones, means that this phone has a lot more ability to run better looking games than its competitors.

AndroidandMe did some research and brought together a table comparing the graphics power of several leading smartphones. Have a look:

  • Motorola Droid: TI OMAP3430 with PowerVR SGX530 = 7 million(?) triangles/sec
  • Nexus One: Qualcomm QSD8×50 with Adreno 200 = 22 million triangles/sec
  • iPhone 3G S: 600 MHz Cortex-A8 with PowerVR SGX535 = 28 million triangles/sec
  • Samsung Galaxy S: S5PC110 with PowerVR SGX540 = 90 million triangles/sec

I love my 3D computer games and I appreciate having a powerfu GPU, so this is very exciting for me.  It is easy to see that the Samsung Galaxy is leaps and bounds ahead of the competition in this comparison. Paired with the Super AMOLED it sports, I am anticipating some fun times for those of you with the money to buy one of these devices when it goes on the market.

Now we just need some good 3D games released to make use of this upcoming increase in ability. Hey you 3D game developers out there: GET TO WORK!

Other Sources: Engadget, Phandroid, Androinica, Youtube

Image from Phandroid

Source: AndroidandMe

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