
T-Mobile Launches Fastest 3G Wireless Network in U.S.

T-Mobile Launches Fastest 3G Wireless Network in U.S.

According to AndroidandMe, it was announced yesterday that T-Mobile's HSPA+ network "will be the nation’s fastest wireless 3G network (no longer AT&T), cover 185 million people (vs only 120 million for Sprint 4G), and be completed this year. However, they have yet to tout the network as 4G.

T-Mobile Building

Some more good news for you T-Mobile subscribers is that HSPA+ is backwards compatible with previous versions of HSPA, which means individuals running Android-powered phones will have faster speeds without any updates/upgrades. A quote from Neville Ray, Senior VP of engineering and operations at T-Mobile USA:

“This year T-Mobile will upgrade its national 3G network to HSPA+ which will support faster speeds and give customers a superior wireless data experience when they access their mobile social network, stream videos or share content. T-Mobile’s network is primed to deliver the speeds that today’s data users crave...T-Mobile’s HSPA+ network is outperforming competing 3G wireless networks with speeds up to three times faster."

I hope that T-Mobile follows this announcement with a new phone that supports HSPA+, especially following Sprint's announcement of the HTC EVO 4G.

Other Sources:

Image from Engadget

Source: AndroidandMe

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