
The Most Popular AndroidPIT Posts of 2011

The Most Popular AndroidPIT Posts of 2011

2011 has been a very big year, and there have been lots of exclusive scoops, concepts, releases, rants and one very, very famous new Google phone. So, without further ado, here are the most popular posts on AndroidPIT this past year ---- take a moment to remember what's happened these past twelve months.

Like a Second Skin – The Flexible Samsung Phone from the Future

At this year's CES in Las Vegas, Samsung revealed a new, flexible AMOLED screen that portrays vivid images on a flat, bendable display. These screens also happen to be very energy efficient and unbreakable - quite the feat! Aesthetically, they look amazing, an almost Dali-esque, surrealistic view of our phoning future. Read more...

[Video] AndroidPIT's Exclusive Hands-On Video with the Galaxy Nexus


What a night; After a seemingly endless wait, today’s event in Hong Kong finally brought us the new Google Flagship and the latest version of Android Ice Cream Sandwich. And we at AndroidPIT can only say one thing: The waiting was worth it! Let's take a recap of what we saw today. Read more...

5 Futuristic Innovations That Will Completely Change the Smartphone Industry


From bendy smartphones with flexible OLED displays to microprojectors that can multiply your smartphone's screen by 30 and beam the image to a wall, there are a number of smartphone innovations coming out soon that will forever alter the smartphone industry. Existing technologies like NFC and stylus wands will likely take on futuristic new roles in the coming years while flexible new battery packs will provide the juice for wristband phones. Here's a list of the five innovations we're most excited about and how long we think it'll take before they go mainstream. Read more...

Just as when we thought we’d seen it all: the Samsung Android notepad, LG’s amazing 3D technology. Then a company we’d never heard of quietly dropped a bombshell. With no fancy press conference, no celebrities and little fanfare Korea’s KT company has launched its brand-new Android smartphone project dubbed the Spider Concept. It’s a laptop, tablet, smartphone and handheld gaming device - all at the same time. Read more...

[HOW TO] Switch Android Phones Without Losing Your Stuff

Recently I moved back to Europe after 5 years in the States and, apart from all the physical stuff that had to be packed and moved, I also had to switch phones. I had switched to Verizon and gotten the Droid X and the CDMA-only no-sim-card phone couldn't come with, so I got a Nexus S unlocked and began moving apps and stuff around. Read on past the break for a tentative guide to switching phones the right way and, if you've got suggestions, drop them in the comments below. Read more...

From the more classical animations of live aquariums to an artfully-designed isometric "living" landscape, these wallpapers add flair to your homescreens. If you're getting sick of your wallpaper, give one of these a spin. But buyer beware – live wallpapers have a tendency to drain battteries. Read more...

[Exclusive] Samsung Galaxy Note With Stylus In Action + Video

We just got a first look at a new Android tablet-smartphone hybrid from Samsung to be debuted today on the IFA. Here in pics and video is your first look. The new device is called the Samsung Galaxy Note and features a 5.3 Super AMOLED display, Dual core 1.5 process, an 8 MP camera and – get this — a stylus! We got exclusive access and are proud to be the first to get to play with the Samsung Note BEFORE the official press conference today. Read more...

Samsung Galaxy Nexus vs. Samsung Galaxy Note: Which is the Better Smartphone?

They're two of the most talked-about smartphones soon-to-be-released: the stlyus-enabled Galaxy Note tablet phone and Google's first Android Ice Cream Sandwich device, the Galaxy Nexus. But which phone is the better choice? We've had the opportunity to play around with both devices (albeit for limited periods of time) and would like to share our impressions on how both devices stack up to eachother. Of course, we'd need to play around a bit more with both devices to reach firm conclusions but here's our preliminary run-down. Read more...

Pantech Bringing Touchless Gestures to Android Phones

Say your hands are full of dirt, or dog hair, or pizza dough and your phone starts to ring. What do you do? Smear those dirty fingers all over the touch screen of your brand new phone? Pantech would like to create a phone where a simple wave of the hand can accomplish the same function. Read more...

3 Reasons Why Siri Won't Be Replacing Google Search Anytime Soon

The hyperbolic opinion pieces just keep on coming. First Forbes called Siri a "Google-Killer". Then someone at Tech Crunch wrote that Siri will "eat Google's lunch". Google will be gobbled up by this all-purpose virtual assistant faster than you can say "thermonuclear"! The end of the search giant as-we-know-it is near! Oh, please...Read more...

Runner's Up:

Offline Maps and Navigation Made Possible With New Android App

HTC Amaze vs. Samsung Galaxy S2: Which Is the Better Smartphone?

[Rumor] US Mobile Carriers Won't Like this: Google To Install WhatsApp On All Androids

iPhone 4S K.O.'s Samsung Galaxy S2 in Benchmark Duel For A Come-From-Behind Victory

Motorola RAZR vs HTC Sensation XE vs. Samsung Galaxy S2– Smartphone Royal Rumble!

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