
Verizon HTC Incredible to Release Today?

Verizon HTC Incredible to Release Today?

According to Phandroid, the HTC Incredible may go on sale today. The tip comes from an internal email stating that "the journey begins on Monday." Well, today is Monday, 14:00 in Germany and 8:00 on the East coast. No word on the Verizon Wireless website yet and searching through their list of phones turns up nothing as well.

Anonimac posted an internal email from Verizon. In my last blog on the release of the HTC Incredible, I said that we should expect it around the 29th of April. Who knows what is going on here. Maybe this whole "journey" is the beginning of mass market advertising.

In related news, accessories for the Incredible have been found, complete with pricing. Items include an extended life battery, battery covers, rubber cases, and display protectors. Head on over to AndroidForums to look at the pictures.

Image from Phandroid

Source: Phandroid

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