
[Video] Cool 3D Ad, Release of the Sensation, Disgusting Apps and a Rant About T-Mobile: It's Our Weekly Roundup!

[Video] Cool 3D Ad, Release of the Sensation, Disgusting Apps and a Rant About T-Mobile: It's Our Weekly Roundup!


It's been a big week.

From the release of an Sensation's launch party, there were a bunch of really exciting events last week in Android Land. Of course, there were also a few news items that made us not so happy – like T-Mobile misusing the word "unlimited" – but that's to be expected in the Wild Wild West that is the smart phone world.

Come take a look at the past week in our glorious second Weekly Roundup (first edition disgusting apps. We had a lot of fun putting this one together and we hope you enjoy watching!



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