
Vodafone Spain replacing 3,000 tainted MicroSD cards

Vodafone Spain replacing 3,000 tainted MicroSD cards

After Vodafone Spain's announcement last week that an infected MicroSD card was the culprit in a strange incident involving malware on the microSD card that came with the phone, Vodafone Spain has revealed that they are now replacing 3,000 microSD cards "because it reckons they are infected, not as a precaution."

Vodafone Spain Logo and MicroSD card

According to Panda Security, one of the employees there received a new HTC Magic from Vodafone Spain that spread malicious programs to the employee's computer. The computer's antivirus software detected the malware and upon closer inspection by the people over at Panda Security, they felt "that it is in fact a Mariposa bot client."

They also had this to say: "There’s also a Confiker and a Lineage password stealing malware." It makes me wonder who is letting this stuff get through to consumers, and why they never even found out until after it got to consumers.

The jump from 1 to 3,000 comes rather quickly and it has left many wondering if this is going to get a lot bigger. Chime in if you are suffering from problems on your HTC Magic and use Vodafone.

Other Sources: AndroidCentral, Movil Zona, The Register

Image from Movil Zona, Panda Security

Source: Engadget

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