
Alexa now lets you control home security with your voice

Alexa now lets you control home security with your voice

Being able to lockdown your home with a few words may seem like science fiction but it's a distinct possibility now, given that Amazon Alexa has added home security control to her resume.

 Amazon has enabled a Security Panel Controller framework that allows voice control for home security systems via an Echo speaker or other Alexa-powered smart home device. The functionality is already available in the US, and being used by companies like Abode, ADT, Honeywell, Ring and Scout Alarm.

Via, Alexa,you can arm or disarm the system, specify certain modes (home, away and night) and or just check in and let them know its you. Of course, saying codes out loud does have its own security risk. Voice disarm needs to be manually enabled first, and rather that yelling your PIN at the Echo, you can choose an Alexa-specific code instead.

AndroidPIT amazon echo 0665
Feeling safe with Alexa? / © NextPit

Amazon is continuing to develop its presence in the security realm after purchasing Ring and Blink. Alexa's security measures such as user-specific voice recognition might well make it much more convenient than walking across the room to punch in a door code, even if it doesn't seem so secret to speak security controls out loud.

Do you use a home security system? What do you think about using voice control for it?

Source: Alexa Blogs

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  • storm Dec 17, 2018 Link to comment

    Considering the rampant insecurity of Wi-Fi and voice control, this is just a terrible idea if you're actually concerned about security.