
Amazon Alexa Guard: Echo receives alarm system via update

Amazon Alexa Guard: Echo receives alarm system via update

In September, Amazon announced a new function at a major hardware presentation for its Echo products that will give the smart speakers an alarm system. The function is called Alexa Guard and will be rolled out shortly before Christmas.

Always-on microphones can be both frightening and useful at the same time. Some people fear that there is someone spying on them inside their own home, while other people have no problem with the microphones. Amazon Alexa can be instructed via voice commands to digitally store notes, make purchases, retrieve information or even control other smart home products via the Echo products. In the USA, Amazon is expanding the functionality of its Echo products with a new feature designed to provide security at home. Alexa can now become an alarm system thanks to its Guard function.

echo show 2
Echo products are gaining more and more functionality thanks to software updates. / © Amazon

The Guard function is activated via the voice command "Alexa, I'm leaving". As soon as Alexa registers this command, the Echo products in your household switch to a monitoring mode that detects the sounds of broken glass, a smoke detector, etc. If Alexa detects these sounds, the owner will be notified of a possible incident that occurred at their home.

In addition to the Alexa Guard alarm function, there will also be a function that randomly switches connected smart home products on or off. This function is intended to prevent burglary and is a useful addition to Alexa Guard.

For the time being, Alexa Guard will only be rolled out in the USA. We're not certain when it will be released in other markets. As soon as we receive new information about this from Amazon, we will of course inform you.

Source: CNET

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