
Amazon offers free shipping for all your holiday shopping

Amazon offers free shipping for all your holiday shopping

It's that time of the year again - the holiday shopping season is upon us. The biggest US retailers are battling it out to offer the best deals, but Amazon is one step ahead of the competition as usual. This holiday season all customers can enjoy free shipping in the US for a limited time. No Prime needed!

The offer is effective from today and will extend until Christmas. Amazon has also waived the $25 minimum purchase that is usually required, so no matter what gifts you order - big or small, they will be shipped to you for free. There's plenty to choose from - the offer applies to more than 100 million items, the largest free shipping selection in the US, according to Amazon. The company also offers gift guides for those who have a hard time picking the best for their loved ones.

However, the delivery will be slower compared to that of Prime customers - 5 to 8 working days. Nevertheless, Amazon guarantees that items will arrive in time to be put under the Christmas tree.

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Festive amazon packages. / © Pixabay

The company also hasn't forgotten about their Prime customers with an increased selection of items with Prime same-day delivery - now more than 3 million. The geographic reach of Prime services has also been expanded.

Although these deals sound great, Amazon has stiff competition in the form of Target and Best Buy. Best Buy is also offering free shipping for the holiday season but it does not guarantee specific delivery dates. Target, on the other hand, has free shipping on all items from this month until December 22. Like Amazon, they have removed the minimum purchase requirement, but Target also claims customers will receive their packages only 2 days after shipment.  

Will you be taking advantage of Amazon's free shipping to buy a new smartphone or gadget? What is on your Christmas list this year? Let us know in the comments below.

Source: Business Wire

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  • Albin Foro Nov 5, 2018 Link to comment

    Fingers crossed they extend across the border to Canada. As regular non-Prime Amazon customers, actual shipping has usually been much faster than Amazon's posted estimates, which look so lousy compared with speedy Prime. In Toronto, normally two or three days for free shipping of Prime products (over C$35) without the Prime service subscription. (I continue to be irritated with the dirty navigation tricks to get accidental sign up to Prime during the Amazon check out process - it's like playing a video game to just buy something without being captured by the lurking Prime octopus.)