
You can now take Amazon's machine learning courses (for free)

You can now take Amazon's machine learning courses (for free)

Is artificial intelligence the future of technology? It is a long debate that we have already initiated through various articles, but what is certain is that it is a very promising sector both in terms of technology and employment. How about free classes?

Dear developers, you will probably appreciate this news: Amazon is offering its own free machine learning courses. Artificial intelligence is slowly creating its place in companies, but at the moment there are not many real university courses that really professionalize it. No problem for the technology giants: they have created their own training courses for their developers.

AI robot 06
Will AI eventually replace humans? metamorworks/Shutterstock

Amazon announced today that its own training courses - aimed not only at developers but also at various data managers, engineers and sales representatives - are now available free of charge to all. These courses allow developers "to explore machine learning through fun problems that had to be solved at Amazon". In total, 30 courses - originally reserved for employees - can be read and you can even take a certification course, which will not be free. Note that for the moment it is only in beta version.

Maybe Amazon is trying to restore its image after the various scandals that have hit it, but even if the intention is questionable, the facts are there: free courses allow developers to get a better idea of machine learning.

Do you think Amazon is right to offer its courses for free? Let us know in the comments below.

Source: Amazon

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  • Sorin Dec 21, 2018 Link to comment

    I am very interested in this course and the extensive possibilities that can be solved using AI technology.

  • Gavin Runeblade Nov 27, 2018 Link to comment

    I agree this is genious and yes it will definitely work in Amazon's favor if they become a popular standard for certification.

  • Alex John Nov 27, 2018 Link to comment

    thats actually awesome to know !

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