
American gamers are spending lots of money on mobile games

American gamers are spending lots of money on mobile games

The figures are in: the average American video game consumer is 33 years old, plays on smartphones and spends significantly more money (20% more) than last year.

The Entertainment Software Association, dedicated to the needs and communication of video game companies, released the figures of its annual research on video game consumption in the country. At a time when households are trying to reduce the number of gamblers, the result is surprising: the average consumer is 33 years old.

American gamers are mostly mobile gamers

No less than 65% of American adults play video games, 164 million people, and they spent no less than $43.4 billion in 2018, a largely on content, rather than equipment and accessories.

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The American gamer prefers to play on a smartphone. / AndroidPIT

The largest number of players are on smartphones (60%), with so-called "casual" games, and half of these same players also play on their computers and specialized consoles.

There is a strong balance of gender, with 46% of gamers being female.

Different consumption according to age

If a female player aged 18 to 34 will prefer games such as Candy Crush or Tomb Raider, the man of the same age will turn to Fortnite or God of War. The senior (55-64 years old), on the other hand, will turn to Solitaire or Scrabble. While the individual in between seems to be nostalgic and prefers in games such as Tetris, Pac Man or Call of Duty.

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The choice of video game is different depending on the age and sex of the player. / AndroidPIT

Parents keep control

American parents try to have a look at the time of use, which they limit as much as possible, but also at the type of games on which their children develop. 87% of them need parental permission to buy a new game.

How does it look in Europe?

According to the figures in the latest report from ISFE, the trend is the same in Europe.The federation announced at the time that 54% of the European population played video games, of which 48% were female and 52% male.In the same report, the category with the highest growth in video game consumption was 45-64 years old.

And how do you rate your consumption of video games?

Via: Reuters Source: ISFE

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