
These are the best iPhone photos taken in 2021

These are the best iPhone photos taken in 2021

Every year, the IPPAWARDS choose the best iPhone photos of the year. Today is the day: The institution, which is independent of Apple by the way, shows the winners 2021. Despite all the technology, the photographer is more important than the camera here, at least this is what proves the winning picture of this year. It comes from an iPhone 7.

Below you will find the pictures, sorted by category. Clicking on the thumbnails will take you to the full-resolution photo. We won't reveal which of the top three or four photos in each category came in first until the end of the article. You can vote for your personal favorite in the poll directly below the pictures. The link below will take you directly to the resolution, including the location and the iPhone used. But don't cheat ;-)

I'm curious if the NextPit Community has the same photographic opinion as the jury of the iPhone Photography Awards. For my part, I'm really impressed with the images overall - and look forward to your impressions in the comments!

Image source for all images: IPPAWARDS.

Category: Photographer of the Year

Dan Liu
Dan Liu
Istvan Kerekes
Istvan Kerekes
Jeff Rayner
Jeff Rayner
Sharan Shetty
Sharan Shetty

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Photographer of the Year
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Category: Abstract

Bei Xiao
By Xiao
Glenn Homann
Glenn Homann
Matteo Lava
Matteo Lava

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Category: Animals

Elisabeth Burns
Elisabeth Burns
Laila Bakker
Laila Bakker
Theresa Lee
Theresa Lee

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Category: Architecture

Tao He
Tao He
Yayun Liu
Yayun Liu
Yuexiang Wang
Yuexiang Wang

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Category: Children

Diego Moreno
Diego Moreno
Dong Wei
Dong Wei
Iakovos Draculis
Iakovos Draculis

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Category: City Life

Lisi Li
Lisi Li
Anne Ghory Goodman
Anne Ghory-Goodman
Liz Huang
Liz Huang

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City Life
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Category: Environment

Einat Shteckler
Einat Shteckler
Glenn Homann
Glenn Homann
Song Han
Song Han

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Category: Landscape

Jialin Liu
Jialin Liu
Lizhi Wang
Lizhi Wang
ShiTian Zhang
Shi Tian Zhang

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Category: Lifestyle

Keith Brofsky
Keith Brofsky
Mahabub Hossain Khan
Mahabub Hossain Khan
Valerie Helbich Poschacher
Valerie Helbich-Poschacher

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Category: Nature

Christian Horgan
Christian Horgan
Marton Tordai
Marton Tordai
Mohan Wang
Mohan Wang

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Category: Other

Carlotta Consonni
Carlotta Consonni
Pavlo Kyryliuk
Pavlo Kyryliuk
Zerry Song
Zerry Song

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Category: Panorama

Andre Skagervik
Andre Skagervik
Gabriele Rodriquez
Gabriele Rodriquez
Matthew Lahtinen
Matthew Lahtinen

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Category: People

Alessandra Manzotti
Alessandra Manzotti
Christian Horgan
Christian Horgan
Shuo Li
Shuo Li

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Category: Portrait

Juliet Cope
Juliet Cope
Krysten Crabtree
Krysten Crabtree
Quim Fabregas Elias
Quim Fabregas Elias

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Category: Series

Dina Alfasi
Dina Alfasi
Dina Alfasi
Dina Alfasi
Dina Alfasi
Dina Alfasi
Erin Brooks
Erin Brooks
Erin Brooks
Erin Brooks
Erin Brooks
Erin Brooks
Haibeo Tong
Haibao Tong
Haibeo Tong
Haibao Tong
Haibeo Tong
Haibao Tong

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Category: Still Life

Hexiang Zhou
Hexiang Zhou
Kunkun Liu
Kunkun Liu
Yi Liao
Yi Liao

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Still life
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Category: Sunset

Claire Droppert
Claire Droppert
Danette Spriggs
Danette Spriggs
Enhua Ni
Enhua Ni

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Category: Travel

Dina Alfasi
Dina Alfasi
Talib Almarri
Talib Almarri
Tatiana Merzlyakova
Tatiana Merzlyakova

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Resolution: These are the winners

Photographer of the Year

  • 1st place: Istvan Kerekes, "Transylvanian Shepherds" in Targu Mures, Transylvania (iPhone 7).
  • 2nd place: Sharan Shetty, "Bonding" in Yanar Dag, Baku, Azerbaijan (iPhone X).
  • 3rd place: Dan Liu, "A Walk on Mars" in Qinghai, China (iPhone 11 Pro Max).
  • 4th place: Jeff Rayner, "Side-Walking on Air", Los Feliz, Los Angeles, USA (iPhone X).

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Category: Abstract

  • 1st place: Glenn Homann, untitled, Queensland, Australia (iPhone 11 Pro).
  • 2nd place: Bei Xiao, "The Last Steam Train", Xinjang, China (iPhone 12 Pro Max).
  • 3rd place: Matteo Lava, "Frozen Lines", Lake St. Moritz, Switzerland (iPhone 7 Plus).

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Category: Animals

  • 1st place: Laila Bakker, "Strike a Pose", Nieuwerkerk aan den Ijssel, Netherlands (iPhone X).
  • 2nd place: Elizabeth Burns, untitled, Ojo Sarco, New Mexico (iPhone XS).
  • 3rd place: Theresa Lee, "Hair Raising", Pyrmond, Sydney, Australia (iPhone XR).

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Category: Architecture

  • 1st place: Yuexiang Wang, "Candy", Shanghai, China (iPhone 8 Plus).
  • 2nd place: Yayun Liu, untitled, China (iPhone 7 Plus).
  • 3rd place: Tao He, "Taj Mahal in the Mist", Agra, India (iPhone XS Max).

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Category: Children

  • 1st place: Dong Wei, untitled, Sichuan, China (iPhone 7 Plus).
  • 2nd place: Iakovos Draculis, untitled, Greece (iPhone 11 Pro).
  • 3rd place: Diago Moreno, "The Watchman", San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico (iPhone 5S).

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Category: City Life

  • 1st place: Liz Huang, untitled, Manhattan New York (iPhone X).
  • 2nd place: Lisi Li, "Winter Dawn in a Small Town", Altay, China (iPhone XS Max).
  • 3rd place: Ann Ghory-Goodman, "PR_CTICE S___AL DI_TANCE", Orleans, USA (iPhone 11 Pro).

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Category: Environment

  • 1st place: Einat Shteckler, "Clouds", Israel(iPhone 11).
  • 2nd place: Glenn Homann, untitled, Brisbane, Australia (iPhone 11 Pro).
  • 3rd place: Song Han, untitled, China (iPhone 11 Pro Max).

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Category: Landscape

  • 1st place: Lizhi Wang, "Flight from Iguazu", Paraná River, Argentina (iPhone XR).
  • 2nd place: Jialin Liu, untitled, unknown location (iPhone 8 Plus).
  • 3rd place: Shi Tian Zhang, untitled, Xinjiang, China (iPhone X).

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Category: Lifestyle

  • 1st place: Mahabub Hossain Khan, "The Old Gym", Dhaka, Bangladesh (iPhone XS).
  • 2nd place: Keith Brofsky, "Landscaper Study", Bainbridge Island, USA (iPhone X).
  • 3rd place: Valerie Helbich-Poschacher, "La Vue des Filles", Galle, Sri Lanka (iPhone 8).

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Category: Nature

  • 1st place: Christian Horgan, "Pondering the Positives", Perth, Australia (iPhone X).
  • 2nd place: Mohan Wang, untitled, United Kingdom (iPhone 7 Plus).
  • 3rd place: Marton Tordai, untitled, Budapest, Hungary (iPhone 11 Pro Max).

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Category: Other

  • 1st place: Zerry Song, "New Clothes for the Pole", Luoyang, China (iPhone 7).
  • 2nd place: Carlotta Consonni, "Isolation", Monza, Italy (iPhone XS).
  • 3rd place: Pavlo Kyryliuk, "Artist's Preview", San Mateo, USA (iPhone X).

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Category: Panorama

  • 1st place: Gabriele Rodriquez, "Over the Clouds", Gruppo del Carega, Italy (iPhone XS).
  • 2nd place: Matthew Lahtinen, untitled, Nevada, USA (iPhone 12 Pro Max).
  • 3rd place: Andre Skagervik, "Estádio da Luz", Lisbon, Portugal (iPhone 6).

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Category: People

  • 1st place: Christian Horgan, "Black Summer Blue Montaigne", Sydney, Australia (iPhone X).
  • 2nd place: Shuo Li, "When The Giant Arrives", Beijing, China (iPhone 12 Pro Max).
  • 3rd place: Alessandra Manzotti, "Holding On", Siena, Italy (iPhone 8).

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Category: Portrait

  • 1st place: Krysten Crabtree, untitled, Ohio, USA (iPhone 12 Pro).
  • 2nd place: Juliet Cope, "The Christmas Trees", Brighton& Hove, United Kingdom (iPhone XS Max).
  • 3rd place: Quim Fabregas, "Reach the Soul", Sare Soukanda, Senegal(iPhone 8).

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Category: Series

  • 1st place: Erin Brooks, "Sisterhood, Mermaid, After the Jump", Houston, USA (iPhone 11 Pro).
  • 2nd place: Dina Alfasi, "Sign of the Times, Pandemic Perspective", Haifa, Israel (iPhone 11 Pro & 12 Pro).
  • 3rd place: Haibao Tong, "One's Seaside", Qingdao, China (iPhone 11 Pro).

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Category: Still Life

  • 1st place: Kunkun Liu, "Sweet", Shanghai, China (iPhone 11 Pro Max).
  • 2nd place: Hexiang Zhou, "Vibrant", Xianyang, China (iPhone 7 Plus).
  • 3rd place: Yi Liao, "The Ice Cream", Qinghai, China (iPhone 7 Plus).

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Category: Sunset

  • 1st place: Claire Droppert, "A Dutch Morning", Kinderdijk, Netherlands (iPhone 11 Pro Max).
  • 2nd place: Enhua Ni, "Dusk", Meknes, Morocco (iPhone 7 Plus).
  • 3rd place: Danette Spriggs, "Sunrise Over Our Pond", Angelton, USA (iPhone 12 Pro Max).

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Category: Travel

  • 1st place: Tatiana Merzlyakova, "Magic of Aurora Borealis", Teriberka, Russia (iPhone 12 Pro Max).
  • 2nd place: Dina Alfasi, "Ready for Space Hike", Haifa, Israel (iPhone 12 Pro Max).
  • 3rd place: Talib Almarri, "Heart of Muslims", Mecca, Saudi Arabia (iPhone X).

Back to the pictures of the category "Travel".

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