
Our top 5 Android and iOS apps of the week

Our top 5 Android and iOS apps of the week

Like every weekend, we meet on NextPit for my selection of 5 free or paid mobile apps and games that caught my eye on the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store.

Every week I try to bring you the best possible apps that are not data traps or microtransaction nests. In addition to my own finds, I also add the gems unearthed by the NextPit community and shared on our forum. Feel invited to take part! :)

From mobile games to productivity apps, here are the 5 free and paid Android/iOS apps from NextPit this week.


I very sincerely believe, and no offense to anyone, that my incompetence and intellectual block in math could be scientifically characterized as a disability. That's why I can't really tell you why SheetCalc is a good application. For starters, SheetCalc is a calculator app – albeit with a twist. It allows you to perform multiple calculations on the same page and combine them via formulas in a spreadsheet-like fashion.

The interface is a bit messy and the app, developed by a solo freelancer, still in early access, has some bugs. But for the mathematicians among you, maybe it will be useful. In any case, the forty or so comments on the Reddit post where I found SheetCalc were all positive and praised the app's original concept.

  • Price: Free / Ads: No / In-app purchases: No / Account: Not required

You can download the SheetCalc app from the Google Play Store.


Quillnote is a note-taking app that stands out from the rest not only for its note-augmenting features but also because it's totally free and open source.

I find the editor very complete with the possibility to add links, photos, videos or voice notes. The interface is clean and intuitive. Quillnote also allows you to export your notes as a zip file to keep them and offers synchronization (optional and experimental, for the moment).

Personally, I haven't found a free application as complete and above all without any counterpart (no ads or in-app purchases).

  • Price: Free / Ads: No / In-app purchases: No / Account: Not required
5 apps week 27 2021 quillnote
Quillnote is free and open source / © NextPit

You can download the Quillnote application from the Google Play Store.

Firefox ScreenshotGo

ScreenshotGO is a screenshot manager. The application allows you to organize your screenshots by folder and associate tags to find them more easily. It also features a floating button to take screenshots faster by simply tapping your screen.

You can also scan the text of a photo to extract it. The application is still in beta and I find the permission required to access the content displayed on the screen (for the floating button) really intrusive.

  • Price: Free / Ads: No / In-app purchases: No / Account: Not required
5 apps week 27 2021 screenshotgo
Firefox ScreenshotGo is still in beta / © NextPit

You can download the Firefox ScreenshotGo application from the Google Play Store.


Bookmory is an application that I would describe as an augmented bookmark. You can search for a book you want to read or are reading and create bookmarks with notes to keep excerpts either handwritten or captured via your camera and OCR.

The application also offers a whole section of statistics on your reading, the books you have finished etc. The interface is also very neat. The only problem is that the free version contains a lot of ads and I find the subscription of 3.09 euros per month a bit expensive, especially since I don't think I read enough to really make it profitable.

But it's already cheaper than the notebooks or binders I used to store all my reading cards when I was a teenager.

  • Price: Free / Ads: Yes / In-app purchases: Yes, $3.09/month or $28.99/year / Account: Not required
5 apps week 27 2021 bookmory
Bookmory's pricing policy is a bit too aggressive / © NextPit

You can download the Bookmory app from the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store.


Embracelet is an adventure game that puts you in the shoes of Jesper, a Norwegian teenager who lives with his mother. One day, he is given an old bracelet by his grandfather from a small fishing community in the north. This bracelet has powers... strange and mysterious powers.

Jesper is given the task of unravelling the mysteries surrounding the bracelet. Where does it come from? Who does it belong to? And why did his grandfather leave the island and abandon his old life?

I just downloaded the game but I'm already seduced by the ultra soothing soundtrack and the warmth of the universe with its low-poly graphics. The simplistic gameplay and limited difficulty make Embracelet a contemplative adventure game perfect for relaxing on a summer weekend in the rain.

  • Price: $7.99 / Ads: No / In-app purchases: No / Account: Not required

You can buy the game Embracelet on the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store.

What do you think of this selection? Have you already tried any of the apps on this list? What would be your apps of the week? Share your opinions and especially your good tips in the comments! If you're looking for a particular type of application, don't hesitate to let me know so I can orient my research and selection according to your needs! Yours faithfully.

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